Sunday, March 17, 2013

Snapshots of a Weekend

I carry around my iPad everywhere I go now.  Which is handy because there's a camera on there!

Snapshots of a weekend...

It started out with lovely Grandma at dinner Friday night:

And ended with baby goats on Sunday at Salena's:

With a trip to Hobby Lobby in between:

 Isn't that mushroom wonderful?  Too bad it costs beyond my budget.

 But we DID have to come home with a March hare.  I'm picky about my bunny statue-types...I like ones that look like hares...long ears, lean, big feet, instead of bunnies..rolly polly round.

And I just love their giant flower stems....perfect for a Walter Crane flower faerie.  I may have to go back for one when floral is on sale.