For $1.50, I got two lovely frames in which I put artworks for the Dreaming Room upstairs.
This lovely was $.50 and I filled it with an artwork by Kinuko Craft.
This lovely was $1, and I put inside an artwork I discovered from a reference database on my library's website. There was a link to an Art reference site where you could look up available artworks by title or artist name. I looked up Edward Burne-Jones and saw this lovely sketch for his Briar Rose series of artworks. The sketch is done in blues and greens, and shows the courtyard of women asleep outside Briar Rose's chambers.
Tom doesn't seem too wild about the chair so far, but I hope it grows on him.
Finally I couldn't resist this vintage cook book from 1938 for $.25 Our house was built in 1935, so it's just the right era!

The Wardian Case from last weekend now has a rescue African Violet in it (sale bin at a local greenhouse for $1) that I hope I can resurrect.
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